This doesn’t seem to be a very active forum but I figured I would drop in and introduce myself. I’ve been homeschooling off and on since 1990 and I am currently homeschooling my youngest 3 and a grandson, potentially adding 2 granddaughters next year. My 11-year-old daughter is gifted but was a late reader and struggles with spelling. She is a quirky perfectionist, lol. My 17-year-old daughter struggles with an ELA learning disability, is sensitive but more easy-going than my younger one. I stumbled upon this curriculum online- I haven’t heard of it before yesterday- but it looks perfect. I saw mention that Silver Moon had been at a GHC convention a year or two ago. I wish they had been at the current one- I spent 3 days in the vendor hall searching for a spelling program. Anyway, I’m getting ready to hit “send” and order the first box.