Account Forums Main Forum My 10 year old daughter is having vowel errors while going through Set 1

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    SCM Admin

    I purchased set 1 of the Silver Moon Spelling Rules program and just gave my 5th grade, 10 year old daughter the Part 1 pretest. She has recently begun homeschooling, and has ADHD and has struggles with spelling. She scored 13/20 for the 20 words – but only some of her errors were related to missing spelling rules. Most of the others were due to vowel errors. See errors below (word/her spelling)

    jezz/ gez
    cuv/ cove
    taulch/ tulch
    paff/ paf
    coth/ couth
    vonch/ vaunch

    My question is will the program cover this in later sets or is there something else I need to be adding in to supplement for her to get additional work in that area? Also, should I ignore those for now and just mark her correct/incorrect based on the spelling rules lessons 1-6 cover?

    SCM Admin

    Thank you for your email. You definitely want to build in support so your daughter has a way to check her short vowel sounds for accuracy during spelling and reading. This is a common problem so we created a template for this type of thing. You can download the “keyword sound chart” here. There is also a student example on this page in the section below the template.

    Once you’ve printed the template, I recommend having your daughter choose a keyword for each short vowel sound that is tricky for her. The keyword should be a short 2 syllable word that has the target vowel sound. For example, you might choose “itchy” for short i. When she is spelling or reading you’ll have her “check her keyword sound” /i/ as in “itchy” with the vowel she printed/used. If they don’t match, it cues her that she made a mistake. Using her keyword chart as a resource she’ll be able to fix the mistake. If you use this method very consistently and always have her sound chart out next to her, the problem should fade away with enough repetitions and time.

    I hope this is easy to understand. Please email back if you have further questions!

    Alisha Calewarts

    Hi there, just wondering where I can find the “keyword sound chart” that was referenced in the comments above.?. Thanks so much!

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